Tuesday, 24 August 2010


It's not long 'til my birthday, and I am pondering asking the other half to get me what I've always wanted - a heavy-weight punchbag.
The problem is where to install it - I don't have a garage or anywhere inside with enough space to do proper kicking, so it's going to have to go outside, and therefore be freestanding. This means a possible choice is a BOB (Body Opponent Bag).
The problem is, Bob is ugly. Fugly. And would probably scare the kids/neighbours/cat. Any ideas how to beautify him a little?

Sunday, 15 August 2010

The Reviews Are In...

We all enjoyed the Karate Kid. J liked the plot, S liked the athletics and I liked the fighting - except there wasn't enough of Jackie Chan doing his thing...
I suspect we were the family you don't want to sit next to at the movies. All the sequences in the kung fu school the kids were spotting forms that they know and shouting out their names, all the location shots in China I was saying "I've been there" and in all the fight scenes we were debating whether we could beat them or not - something for all the family.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

The Karate Kid

Combined kids class this morning was fun, not least because N was here on a visit and that always livens things up a bit. My youngest is completely taken with him and his flashy Wushu stylings ... perhaps it will inspire her to great things?
Off to see the remake of the Karate Kid with my little'uns later today. I've high hopes of it being better than the original - not least because it's Kung Fu, not Karate, and it doesn't feature Ralph Macchio (although young Jaden seems capable of similar "smouldering" (!) postures)