Tuesday 28 September 2010

You can call me Al

After last week's trip, I'm now officially recognised as an instructor.
But no, really, there's no need to call me Sifu or Laoshi - Snafu is probably more appropriate

Saturday 11 September 2010

Not quite Million Dollar Baby...

...but a million kopeks maybe?
My birthday pressie to myself is now installed, and I ran it through a commissioning test this morning...shouldn't really use it "in anger" until it's my birthday though, should I?

Monday 6 September 2010

Crazy Legs

Learning a new bit in the ground-fighting set at the moment. It involves starting from the floor and windmilling the legs in a break-dance stylee until you can use your momentum to spring to your feet.
Looks really impressive when T does it. I'm struggling with it a bit so far though, and it's not exactly the sort of move you can practice at the drop of a hat.