I've challenged myself to practice the new Mantis form I've just learned 200 times by the end of November, in a bid to get it into my muscle memory for the long term.
but I am now finally learning a set with the Sai...
...a weapon I have hankered after wielding since I was about eight years old! Sadly it doesn't seem to start with me wearing them crossed on my back, but I think I can improvise that bit.
It would appear that Hong Kong Airlines have decided to train their cabin crew in Wing Chun to deal with unruly passengers.
It's certainly a style that lends itself to use in confined spaces. Perhaps training cabin crew in safety procedures and the martial arts is an ideal opportunity for me to combine my work and my hobby...
After a few minutes of side-kick practice on the heavy bag last week I noticed that I was pulling several courses of brick out of the wall of my house. Luckily I noticed before they came right out and bricks plus 70lb of kick bag collapsed on to me, but it looks like I'll need a builder to sort it out (picture is after I've pushed them back into place as much as possible).
Needless to say, other half has banned me from using the kick bag any more.
Called this song to mind - I couldn't decide who's version to post, until last night I heard the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain do a cover of Slave to the Rhythm...
Apparently handstands teach you to "eat bitterness"...and here I was thinking they were just a bit more of a fun way to exercise the upperbody than endless press-ups.
Well, today I discovered that one of my favorite Jazz artists, Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, once appeared in Kung Fu. Whilst not one of his typical Hard-Bop performances, worth a watch I reckon - he appears around 5:30 in this clip;
Found martial arts a few years ago when I was already old enough to know better.
Despite this I now try to dedicate as much time to Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan and associated arcane philosophies as I can given a husband, two young kids and a full time job....