I've been cutting back on blogging lately as I was afraid that the blog was just becoming a litany of my injuries. But I have to mention this one 'cos it's an injury I accidentally inflicted on someone else...my teacher to be precise! I wasn't even really aware of doing it but apparently I blocked a knee strike of his and managed to hit him right above his knee cap with my elbow. Within a few minutes it was swelling and turning a dodgy shade of blue-black, and despite me taking over the class while he went to get some ice for it, before too long he was having a bit of trouble weight-bearing. It's made me realise that I had built up the idea in my mind that T was some kind of indestructible superman when it came to fighting, and the fact that in fact he's as vulnerable to a (un)lucky strike as the rest of us is a sobering thought. However much you train, the body still has some weak points.
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