Today marks the first time for ages that I've actually been for a run! Went out with A at lunchtime for a fairly sedate 2.5 miles - luckily for me he is still nursing a bit of an achilles injury so he was happy to go a bit slower than usual. My legs felt fine, feet very wet from the deluge earlier this morning, but my chest was hurting a bit by the end.
On returning to my desk I found 3 missed calls from my other half...uh oh.... turns out my youngest had just done some spectacular falling over and was on her way to casualty. So instead of gently cooling down from my run whilst getting wound up by work stuff it was leap straight in to the car and drive like crazy to the hospital.
Now she has her arm in a cast up to the armpit, it's broken in two places. Looks like gymnastics and kung fu are going to be off her agenda for a while. Although she was musing on the way back that her cast would be good for blocking strikes with a stick - that's my girl!

Heavens ! Hope she's not too traumatised. (Tho' I'm worried by the thought of Cast-As-Weapon.)