For the last couple of sessions before the summer break we've condensed the kids classes down into 1 class for all ages and abilities. So this Saturday's class was barely-controlled chaos, with the little ones franticly showing off to the big ones. Towards the end we got out the crash mats and the trampette for them to practise some jumping/falling and generally burn off some energy. Then, to get them off it at the end of the session, no amount of instructions from me or T were going to work - I had to physically intervene and turn the trampette upside-down to stop them bouncing!
Saturday afternoon was my department's summer barbecue, and with some trepidation I agreed to teach the assembled offspring a few stick fighting moves (mainly because of the Star Wars/Light Saber obsession of one of them). To my surprise we managed to avoid any injuries to anything other than the nearby sycamore tree which took a bit of a pounding, and I think the kids all enjoyed it. Hope I haven't unleashed too many demons though - I can foresee angry parents when they start breaking the fixtures and fittings whilst practising at home.
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