Friday, 27 November 2009
Evens it up a bit
Happened to catch sight of a reflection in the window at Tai Chi last night and noticed that I am more than a foot shorter than anyone else in the class. They are all unnecessarily tall. And then there's little me. Still, none of them would want to take me on in a pole fight....
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Waiting for the third

It was a pretty powerful kick, T who saw it happened was convinced I must have a concussion, but although I did feel distinctly nauseous and dizzy for a while I was OK after 10 minutes or so...and no teeth loosened as far as I can tell.
But my grandma always used to say that accidents come in 3s - so what's the next one going to be?
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Cracked Finger

Packing them in

Tuesday, 17 November 2009
The Fear
Last weeks training schedule suffered a serious setback when my youngest, "Danger Girl", broke her arm again - the second time in 4 months, same arm, somewhat more serious this time. Quite badly displaced fracture and they thought they might have to put in some metal work to stabilise it, but looks like we've got away without that - just weekly visits to x-ray to check it's not moving....she'll glow in the dark at this rate! 
She managed to get this injury not at kung fu, or gymnastics, where you might expect an element of risk, but at her ballet dancing lesson. Obviously the sooner I get her signed up for free-running classes the safer she'll be...
Anyway, after I'd received a phone call telling me she'd hurt herself, and probably broken several speed limits to get to her, I was faced with dealing with her arm which looked very, very wrong and was making me want to vomit, without showing any of my fear and upset to her. It looked like she had an extra elbow in the middle of her forearm...I just hope I never have to see anything like that again - especially on my kids, I think it would have been easier if it were my own arm (in fact I know it would - when I did a similar thing to my lower leg/ankle so that my foot was on back-to-front I found looking at it quite fascinating rather than toe-curlingly awful).
Anyway after spending a day or two at the hospital, including a general anesthetic to reduce the fracture, she is back home now and seems quite well - in fact keeping her still is proving something of a trial, but she's under strict orders that she must do nothing but sit still for the next couple of weeks - she can't even go back to school til she's had it checked out at the end of the week.

I did manage to get out to kickboxing and kung fu last night, both quite busy lessons, T is teaching me a bit of the more advanced kickboxing syllabus and in kung fu I got to teach biu jeet, which is a good challenge. The only trouble was that throughout the lessons I was constantly dwelling on how fragile the human body really is - to the extent that I was being very careful all evening. Hope this fear wears off soon....
Monday, 9 November 2009
Two out of Three ain't bad

Kung fu later was mostly wing chun for me, then a bit of mantis. More good news - it sounds like J and A are going to start coming along on Saturdays after the kids class to train on the higher grade stuff with me and T, it will be good to have a couple more people to try stuff out on....
Sunday, 8 November 2009
The Measure of All Things?
Good set of kids lessons on Saturday, I seem to be making connections with some of the kids that had been more stand-offish with me 'til now. 
Also 3 new people in the older kids class which is good, one of them is an ex-karateka who is obviously quite proficient but will have her work cut out a bit re-learning some of the stances in a more kung fu style.
After the kids had left went through some stuff with T for a while, the Wing Chun 2 person drills are coming on although I somehow don't seem to be able to remember them at all, just react on instinct to whatever T does and it seems to work.

I need to start trying to write some of the stuff down, but it is very hard to describe effectively in words and my anatomical drawing skills aren't up to sketching it instead.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Forgotten Steps
Thursday night kung fu, I got to take the higher group initially and teach them the single person bokken drill. Then a bit of time with the beginners (mostly kids now) working on Char Chui 1. 
Quite a few rounds of sparring which made a nice change.
Then a brief run through of Li Pi with T - all my problems solved just by the addition of a forgotten step in 2 places. I must write it down this time while it's fresh in my mind.
Went through bokken vs pole a few times with N, which was just as well because when we went down to Tai Chi D asked us to give a demonstration of it to the rest of the class. After that lots of time working on pole which is always fun, then the 2-person pa kua - starting to get quite reasonable I think, providing I'm paired up with someone who can keep their end up.

Grabbed D at the end to run through the first part of the Chen style that was getting a bit rusty. As we were leaving D asked me if I wanted to start going to the Southampton training days. I'm quite keen except it means using up lots of precious holiday days at work. I'll have to try to figure out how much I can spare.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Lost It
Snatched a few minutes to practise this lunchtime, but to my great distress discovered I seem to have forgotten a large part of the Li Pi Mantis set. Where's that gone? Maybe my brain is full and something has to go for each new set I learn.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Shake it baby, shake it

Got to teach 2 things I've never taught before last night too - the single person miao dao (bokken) drill and the "mantis grasps cicada"
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