Usually when we train on Monday night we are in the small hall and the belly dancers are in the main room. But last night their teacher was ill and the class was cancelled. So we took our chance and grabbed the bigger hall. Meanwhile a steady flow of trainee belly dancers kept turning up. We managed to persuade one to stay and train with us...and she was a natural! I guess it's not that surprising that a dancer should be well co-ordinated, but she picked up what we were doing in the kick-boxing really quickly. And she enjoyed it so much she says she'll come again. And no she wasn't scantily clad....
Got to teach 2 things I've never taught before last night too - the single person miao dao (bokken) drill and the "mantis grasps cicada"
So, are you going to reciprocate and shake yer booty at the belly dancing class? I thin the public need to know.
ReplyDeleteThink I'd need the advanced class....