She managed to get this injury not at kung fu, or gymnastics, where you might expect an element of risk, but at her ballet dancing lesson. Obviously the sooner I get her signed up for free-running classes the safer she'll be...
Anyway, after I'd received a phone call telling me she'd hurt herself, and probably broken several speed limits to get to her, I was faced with dealing with her arm which looked very, very wrong and was making me want to vomit, without showing any of my fear and upset to her. It looked like she had an extra elbow in the middle of her forearm...I just hope I never have to see anything like that again - especially on my kids, I think it would have been easier if it were my own arm (in fact I know it would - when I did a similar thing to my lower leg/ankle so that my foot was on back-to-front I found looking at it quite fascinating rather than toe-curlingly awful).
Anyway after spending a day or two at the hospital, including a general anesthetic to reduce the fracture, she is back home now and seems quite well - in fact keeping her still is proving something of a trial, but she's under strict orders that she must do nothing but sit still for the next couple of weeks - she can't even go back to school til she's had it checked out at the end of the week.

I did manage to get out to kickboxing and kung fu last night, both quite busy lessons, T is teaching me a bit of the more advanced kickboxing syllabus and in kung fu I got to teach biu jeet, which is a good challenge. The only trouble was that throughout the lessons I was constantly dwelling on how fragile the human body really is - to the extent that I was being very careful all evening. Hope this fear wears off soon....
Poor wee thing. Give DangerGirl my best wishes, and suggest she takes up something less dangerous instead. I'd suggest this...