No, not the Wutan students, but the ants that have invaded the downstairs room where we train on Monday nights. Throughout the evening they were remorselessly ploughing back and forth, thankfully along the skirting board rather than across the centre of the hall. None of them seemed to be carrying any food (I got quite a close view of them whilst grovelling about on the floor during the stretches) but they all looked very busy. I find their "hive mind" somehow troubling. But maybe that just means I'm too wrapped up in my own ego and sense of self?
Good training tonight, a few new faces who seemed to enjoy themselves, including one guy who must have been at least 6'4" tall and presented something of a challenge to me during the kicking drills! Sticking with an insect theme, we did some Mantis drills, then I went through butterfly knives again at the end with T to try to consolidate, I think some of it is finally starting to sink in, but then again I've thought that before.
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