Then the beginners. A much bigger class this week than last, which made it a bit more spirited. Did some sparring with the padded sticks at the end, which they seem to enjoy. I hate refereeing it though - I can never tell when someone has scored a clear point, I just give the bout to whoever gives the impression they're working hardest.
By the time I was going through the 3rd warm-up I was once again exhausted, with legs like lead, so I'm never at my best with the improvers. They're still a bit foxed by the step-in-and-hook drill, I've a vague recollection that there's a defence to it for a 2-person set that we haven't started yet, although it has to be said my memory of the kick-boxing syllabus is very hazy. They're struggling a bit with the windmill-arms sequence too. Good work on their forms though, and now we have another month to prepare for the competition I think some of them will be ready to have a go at a display.