Thursday night kung fu was in the small hall, and as it was pretty hot the floor wax had done its usual trick of going slightly tacky so that it was next to impossible to pivot on your feet, which cramped my style a little. After recovering from the rather disturbing images brought to mind when T opened a letter addressed to our club that turned out to be from the "How to look good naked" TV programme asking if a bunch of us wanted to appear (presumably with no clothes on - we've decided to decline their kind offer) I taught some Chang Chuan to the yellow belts and then some kwok sau thay to the blues and above.
T had to leave on time but I stayed by myself for a while and went through all the single person empty hand forms I could remember.
Then Tai Chi. D is on holiday so N was notionally taking the class but in fact it was more of a collaborative effort / self help group for Pa Kua and Hsing I. Then because I was a free agent for the night (the rest of the family being up north visiting their granma) I went to the pub with a couple of the guys, which is a rare event indeed.
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