Saturday, 31 January 2009
Jedi Training
Kids Kung Fu this morning - with S at first session and J at the second. Both busy classes, especially the second one, which is now so big we might have to split it into two. Managed to get some Mantis Li Pi (is that how you spell it??) practice in at the end, it's starting to fall into place now I think, the basic form is there, I just need to work on making it more "mantisy".
S is getting really in to Star Wars at the moment, which combined with her progress in Kung Fu makes me think of the young Jedis in the temple from the film. I'm teaching her to talk like Yoda (or should that be "teaching her to talk like Yoda I am"?), which she's surprisingly good at for a 5 year old. Perhaps it will help her if she ever comes to learn German?

Friday, 30 January 2009
Breaking It Down
Taught the Women's Kick Boxing tonight for the first time. Turned out to be a lot easier than I'd built it up to be, in one way at least. With L as my assistant I had more than enough stuff to go through with them to keep us all happily occupied for an hour.
What is more difficult than you might have thought is actually teaching people how to move. Cos I've been doing this a few years now, my body just does stuff like kicks and punches automatically. Not so for the beginners though. And trying to break a move down into its component parts and describe it is really difficult. Similar to teaching a novice to drive I think - when you try to analyse exactly how you pull away without dumping the clutch and stalling, it's really difficult and you end up doing it wrong yourself. So it's hard enough when you're working with one person individually, like I often do in the Kung Fu classes. But when you're standing in front of a room full of people, it needs to be a lot more verbal in addition to your demonstrations. Need to work on this, I think.
Moving Meditation
Big kung fu class last night with a group of 4 friends joining as beginners, and the return of a teen-aged lad who used to train with us a couple of years ago, which was nice to see.
In Tai Chi afterwards, D was talking about different ways of doing the form, and the different results of those ways. He said there are lots of aims people can have in mind when they do Tai Chi, the main ones being wanting a health benefit, wanting to learn the "martial" aspects, for aesthetic reasons and for others it is a meditation.
On reflection, I think I'm stuck in the aesthetic rut - when I do tai chi I am almost constantly conscious of what I might look like to an observer (and I want it to look cool!). I'm not sure this is the most noble of reasons to be doing it.... I probably should be trying to empty my mind more and just let my body get on with it.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Kung Hei Fat Choy
Happy Chinese New Year - year of the Ox. Celebrated with my normal Kick-boxing followed by Kung Fu. Both really good sessions tonight. Somehow I managed to split my knuckle during the kickboxing work on the pads, even though I was wearing my gloves! Probably all the pent-up aggression from work, where it's shaping up to be a frustrating week. I shan't get to run today, and probably not tomorrow either :-(
Sunday, 25 January 2009
5 Miles
After some debate decided that my hip felt good enough for a run this morning, especially considering this week's lunchtime runs are likely to be cancelled/curtailed by a major meeting I need to attend that is scheduled to run for 6 days (I probably ought to take a sleeping bag and some provisions!).
So I set off down to the river, feeling fairly OK, in fact sufficiently OK that at the 3-mile-or-5-mile decision point I decided to go for the longer option. At around the 3.5 mile point I decided this was a mistake, but too late, no turning back now. Had to dig deep to keep going as a wind seemed to whip up and a low sun was dazzling me, but happy to say I kept going for the full 5 miles.
It being Sunday morning, plenty of people out walking their dogs, happily all the ones that looked particularly scary left me alone - I was slobbered on by a small black spaniel but that's within my comfort zone. Not so the Rottweiler not on a lead, or the nippy little Jack Russell also running free, but luckily neither of them seemed interested in me.
Inspired by Flaming Lips, Foo Fighters, Four Tops, Franz Ferdinand, Gorillaz, Grandmaster Flash, Guns and Roses (interesting segway, that one), Hazmat Modine, the High Llamas and the House of Love.
Crushing headache later in the day, which often seems to happen to me when I've been running. Perhaps it's dehydration?
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Three Strikes and Out?
Kids Kung Fu today. My hip feels a bit better than yesterday, but for some reason my legs were like lead this morning - perhaps three days on the trot is just too much? Surely not.
Had to play Mrs Nasty today and take the sticks away from some kids who were messing about in the class - the problem is that when armed with sticks they can do quite a lot of damage to one another (and to themselves, and innocent bystanders) without really trying.
My one remaining stick seems to have disappeared now, I guess I must have lent it to someone and failed to get it back. I prefer using T's sticks anyway, they are thinner but a bit longer, so I get a better reach. I still worry that I look like I'm Morris dancing with the sticks, not trying to bludgeon someone in to submission.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Alright for Fighting
Women's Kickboxing tonight. Hip still hurting. L tells me it's probably my hip flexor and told me a few exercises that should help strengthen it, so I'll add them to my at-least-twice-a-day stretching routine.
Next week I have to take the class myself. Still feeling a bit nervous about it - although actually my main worry is how to turn the lights on in the training hall as last week I couldn't work it out and had to wait for T to arrive. Must try to find out tomorrow....
Two Injuries
Late Wednesday night I started hurting just above my right hip - don't know why. Thursday am woke to find it getting steadily worse, to the extent that by lunchtime at work A had to search in the bottom of his kit bag to pull out an ancient tube of Deep Heat. Although not my liniment of choice (I prefer Tiger Balm), beggars can't be choosers so I applied it liberally and spent the afternoon in various meetings watching people wonder what the curious smell was.
Cautiously tried Kung Fu in the evening, while it hurt quite a bit at first it settled down after a while (probably the endorphins kicking in) and I managed the class quite well, then in sparring got my second injury - slow sparring with someone with bare feet, I kwok sau blocked a kick and got a massive scratch from their toe nail! It bleed quite a bit but the worst part was the creepy feeling of revulsion at the thought of the vile germs that might be working their way into my blood stream. Gave it a good wash, and again when I got home after Tai Chi, and lots of antiseptic. So here's hoping I don't lose an arm to some kind of horrid lurgi.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Get Protected

Today's big news is the arrival of my mouth guard for Kung Fu.
J says it makes me look goofy, and I have to admit there's a certain similarity to Sandy the squirrel from Sponge Bob Square Pants. Vanity prevents me posting a picture of me actually wearing it.
Perhaps the peels of laughter it will provoke in my opponents will allow me to win all my sparring bouts?
Alone again, naturally
Obviously running with me yesterday was too much for A, who says he's worried he's over-doing it and didn't run today. So some solo laps of the running track for me today, amounting to about 2.5 miles I think. Also on the track was some guy practising 400m, which meant I kept getting sprinted past every couple of laps - which is very demoralising.
On the ipod was The Cure, Dandy Warhols, The Doobie Brothers, Elastica, Finlay Quaye and Feist. I missed most of the other Cs because the Other Half borrowed it over the weekend.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
New Route, New Start - Yes we can!
A is back from injury, so showed me a new route today at lunchtime along the route of the old canal and back through the estate. About 2.5 miles, seemed surprisingly easy - we must have been traveling fairly slowly (I don't ever know how fast I run 'cos I purposefully don't time it - it would be too depressing). Must get round to applying for the local 10k as it's rapidly approaching. Must also get round to doing a few longer runs to train for it.....
I may be physically getting stronger and tougher, but mentally I seem to be getting soppier and soppier - cried in the car driving home today listening to Obama's inauguration speech. Why, I don't know.
Monday, 19 January 2009
First an hour of kick-boxing, in which I exhausted myself in a desperate bid to win the speed kicking competition (pleased to say I did indeed manage to win it). Then a couple of hours of Kung Fu, featuring a grading for the lower grades (nothing to yellow belt).
Think I may have finally cracked the wrist lock - seems I was doing it too high (because I'm such a titch), when I do it below my own shoulder height it seems much more effective. Onward to world domination......
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Catch Up
Just realised I forgot to log Thursday. Kung Fu followed by Tai Chi, with some cool sword revision, and the promise of a revisit of the Living Pole I did at a seminar a couple of years ago. Can't wait!
R and D asked if I would consider teaching a Beginners Tai Chi on a Tuesday night. Would love to, but suspect it might precipitate a divorce - other half already resents the 2 or 3 nights a week I spend on this stuff. And it's at my old secondary school, with which I think I still have a number of unresolved issues. Might try to go to the opening night to see if I can lay some ghosts to rest.
Down with the kidz
Saturday mornings mean Kids Kung Fu. So first an hour with the younger ones, joined by my youngest, S, then an hour and three quarters with the older mob, joined by my eldest, J.
Quite exhausting today because I was the only "helper", which meant trying to keep my eye on three sets of kids at once, one of the groups was complete newbies at their first lesson needing lots of attention, and another were armed with sticks and swords, making turning my back on them a bit risky! Still, I should be happy that there were so many kids there - it seems to be a very popular class.
T reported that the national competition isn't far away - so of course J wants to get into serious training to see if she can replicate her double-gold triumph of 2 years ago. Chip off the old block or wot?
Girls Allowed
First time for Women Only Kick Boxing on Friday. Good sized class, must have been 20-odd. I'm supposed to be sharing the teaching on this one, which is a bit daunting - it's not like taking the kids on the occasional Saturday when T's not available - this is grown-ups - will they want to listen to me? Still, if I have a couple of helpers it will probably be OK.....
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Too foggy today for road running, so back to the local playing fields for a couple of miles. Really rather depressing - cold, damp, dull. For some reason, my trainers really hated the frosty, recently cut grass and let in an awful lot of water - after 2 minutes my sox were absolutely soaked. Not sure how I avoided blisters. Trousers wicked up the water too, ended up damp to the knee.
Nonetheless, I feel faintly virtuous for running two days in a row, which I traditionally don't do, 'cos my legs generally feel like lead (which sure enough, they did today, nearly gave up after the first mile).
Bob Dylan, Bomb the Bass, Bran Van, Brooklyn Funk Essentials and Bryan Ferry kept me going.
Is it possible to listen to too much Beck?
Tuesday - lunchtime run, the long way round to the running track, and then a few laps, making about 3 miles in total. Running through the shopping street was fraught - dodging mobility scooters right left and centre. Beatles, Beck (and Beck, and Beck again), The Bees, Beth Orton, Big Star and Blur
Monday, 12 January 2009
Manic Monday
Slightly more up-tempo kickboxing tonight (and 85 speed kicks in a minute!), followed by Kung Fu and then some extra syllabus practice. Think I may be finally getting the knack of hook kicks - it's only taken about 9 years!
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Take Me To The River
Down to the Trent today for a 3.5 miler. Significantly warmer, which was nice.
Turin Brakes, then a jump straight to Abraham, Aerosmith, Astrid Gilberto, The Automatic, Badly Drawn Boy and the Beatles. Don't know what happened to u to z - I was expecting Warren Zevon and the Vapours at least. Does this mean my playlist is beyond the shuffle's capacity? Maybe I need a nano for running.....
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Typical Thursday, and unusual weekend
Thursday was fairly standard - Kung Fu followed by Tai Chi, with extra Ee Sen Tee and Biu Jeet practice outside in the car park in the dark in the gap between classes - blighted only by the bacon sandwich and chips in the pub at lunchtime at work (which is also becoming a standard feature of thursdays I'm afraid)
Nothing Friday or Saturday though as I was down in London for my birthday treat. I did walk home from the station with my overnight bag though, which is a couple of miles (and it was a brisk walk as it's still well below freezing!)
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Sub Zero
Feeling virtuous today, having run today despite the below freezing temperatures.
Down to the local running track today - 8 laps plus there and back making around 2.5 miles.
Bit of stretching too, but I did draw the line at laying down on the icey floor for sit-ups and press-ups.
Bit more Stevie Wonder, Suede, Super Furry Animals, Supertramp and Turin Brakes, as my occasional running mate is still injured.
Monday, 5 January 2009
And then of course there's the important stuff....
What I didn't say in my first blog is that I don't run for the love of it. I run because I need the fitness for my real obsession - martial arts.
And today was the first class of 2009. Well, actually 2 back-to-back classes followed by an extra 3/4 of an hour going over some tricky forms.
Only 2 more classes this week - unfortunately I have to miss another 3 I would normally do because I'm off to London for a cultural treat on Friday......
Sunday, 4 January 2009
First of the year - but not the first since Christmas
This year I'm going to keep a blog of my running, for a handful of reasons:
1) Maybe the propect of (semi) public humiliation if I slack off will help motivate me?
2) Writing it might stop me becoming a "running bore" and wittering on about it to my friends/anyone who will listen - 'cos who's interested really?
3) If I estimate how far I run each time, at the end of the year I can get a total of miles scampered.
So the first of this year was January 2nd, at lunchtime at work, around the local rugby/football fields.
About 2 miles, followed by some stretching, which is really the most important bit....
Around "S" on the shuffle, so listened to Sneaker Pimps, Sinead O'Connor, Stevie Wonder, Sloan and Sophie Solomon.
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