Finally got to the end of the 2nd two person set in kickboxing, it seems much longer than any other 2 person set I know, but I suspect the 3rd one is longer still ( I have known the 3rd, 4th and I think 5th set at some point in the dim and distant, but really don't recall them now). Did some kick pad work right at the end of the class which is unusual but worked quite well for me because I was definitely thoroughly warmed up by then so I was kicking quite fluidly.

Kung fu class was busy, I got to teach the yellows Chang Chuan and the stick set. Then during sparring I walked straight into a punch which was a bit careless, luckily it was more embarrassing than painful!
Full of energy again tonight, T tried to tire us out through kickboxing but in the end I think I lasted the pace better than him, especially at the end when we were going through the next bit of Char Chuan together. I knew that running wasn't really good for me....seems like I'm better off without it. I'm thinking of deep-sixing the half marathon idea altogether.
Chang Chuan may be a valid defense in YOUR world, but how would you cope is some screaming maniac attacked you with a Lognberry, intent on causing you mischief ? Eh, eh, eh?