Or should that be "croaked too soon"? Sore throat came back with a vengeance on Saturday evening, and then developed into the full cold/cough/aching stomach/lost voice/fever/snot and headache deal by Sunday night. Spent all day Monday and Tuesday in bed, although I couldn't actually sleep much because I couldn't breathe properly.

Just starting to think I'm on the road to recovery now, late on Tuesday night, although I still can't talk above a whisper. Hopefully another day of resting tomorrow will see it off. Meanwhile I'm worrying about the lost training time. Sometimes I think maybe I'm a little over-obsessed with this martial arts stuff.....
"Over-obsessed"? Hardly. An over-obsessed person would only ever wear black, would creep around with utmost stealth, and spend the day thinking how to eviscerate office numpties without leaving evidence. That doesn't sound like you, does it ?