Late getting away from work tonight after a very busy day. So I arrived towards the end of the kick boxing and pitched straight in. But the strange thing was that I only seemed to be able to do stuff on one side (usually we do stuff first with one foot forward then the other, and it doesn't make a lot of difference to me, although I tend to slightly favour a left foot forward stance since I'm right handed). I think it might be that because I'd been concentrating hard at work, then hadn't done a proper warm-up, that only one side of my brain (the left side I'd guess) was tuned in.

I didn't manage to get into the "groove" properly until part way through kung fu. Taught some Sui Lim Tao to the beginners, then afterwards went through bokken with T like we meant it, then learnt a bit more char chuan which is shaping up to be a really cool form - but it will need lots of
practice for me to do it justice.
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