Three kids classes on Saturday as usual, but without either of my two there, as they had gone off camping with the other half and some friends. All three classes felt fairly subdued for some reason, and the first two were both quite small, which somehow seems to make them harder work. In the second class we practiced a few kicks leading up to jumping front scissor kicks. It was going pretty well for me, achieving some pretty high kicks by my standard (above my head height, I like to think), then I tried them on the other leg....and aggravated my existing groin strain really badly, to the extent that for the rest of that class and all through the next I could hardly lift my left leg at all.This didn't stop me staying on at the end to go through some stuff with T though - the rest of the wushu two-person pole set, the two-person Tai Chi sword and some sword applications that T is thinking of teaching to the advanced kids who have done the kung fu sword set.

Then T taught me a new throw, which is actually an application of a bit of the first kids set that I hadn't understood. It's a scary sort of throw to be a victim of, and involved me generally getting "rag-dolled" around for a while, but because it tended to be my shoulder that contacted the ground first giving me no chance to put my arm out, I much prefer it to being thrown by the wing chun application throw we usually do. Then it was my turn to try throwing T about, and I must admit it worked pretty well. I'm not sure if it's easier than the other throw or if I'm just getting better at throwing because I'm not so freaked out by making close contact with an opponent as I used to be.
After the class, nipped home just long enough to grab some lunch and numb my leg with Tiger Balm, then in the car and off to Derbyshire to meet up with the family for some outdoors fun. Despite sleeping on the ground Saturday night my leg held up well enough for a four mile hike on Sunday, which is promising for training tomorrow.

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