Monday kickboxing was my first time for a few weeks, and we went off at a cracking pace, making no concessions at all to the closeness of the weather. My leg felt surprisingly OK, so I was able to get really stuck in. I went through the second set with a couple of the class, although I still think we're not quite at the end (hard to tell though, as it's so long since I last did that particular form all the way through).
Then Kung Fu, first going through the bokken/miao dao applications with the green sashes, then siu lim tao with the beginners. Then some knocking hands sensitivity training - and about half way through it was like someone had unplugged me - legs and arms felt like lead and I could hardly hold up a guard let alone throw a punch.

Just a couple of missed sessions and I can't hack it anymore! I'm dreading the summer break as even with the best of intentions I know I won't train very intensely by myself, and by the time I've had a month off I'll be useless.
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