Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Hurts so Good

Fast paced kick-boxing last night, working with R mostly which means I can punch and kick hard during the pad work - when I'm with one of the girls I always feel like I have to hold back a bit so I don't knock them over! T was being hard on me about getting my turning kicks right, making sure I'm turning my hip over properly. This means that by the end of the session my hips were aching, but in a good sort of way that I quite like really (is there something wrong with me to feel that way?) I also managed to trip myself up and fall over during some spinning kicks!
Then Kung Fu, tried to teach the yellow sashes some more Chang Chuan, the problem being that it was the bit that I struggle with myself nowadays because it starts the same as a section of Yang Fan Chuan and I always end up doing that instead 'cos I practise it much more often. I think I got it straight in the end though.
Sparring at the end, I'm enjoying it more and more lately. Paired up with the guy who knows Mok Gar Kung Fu and we gave each other a good fight I think, although I was a bit nervous because we weren't wearing gloves.
After the lesson I went through two-person choy li fut, mantis six-punch and the single person butterfly knives. Still lots to brush up on.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

4 Tough Miles

Went running today, didn't feel like it but I need to do some kind of preparation for the inter-departmental race at work this Wednesday - wouldn't want to let the team down!
Gorgeous day but couldn't seem to find my stride or get into it really, at least not until the last mile or so. Managed a bit more than four miles overall. And now my nose is running again. I think I'm going to have to start taking an anti-histamine before I set out if this keeps up.

School's Out

Saturday was the last kids class for a few weeks over Easter. It was already quite quiet - don't know if the gale-force winds put everyone off?
Good class with the littlest ones, they were relatively calm and in a mood to follow instructions, then the beginners (which J joined in with), and finally the improvers, who were surprisingly calm too. One of the J's friends F, who is pretty good, has decided she's going to do the whole of Yang Fan Chuan in one go for the grading. this is good because it will mean she catches up with the group just above her, and can train with them, rather than being the only one doing her grade as she is at the moment. And I'm pleased that she's keen to try - I think she's one of the kids who does KF because she enjoys it, rather than because it's something her parents think she ought to do.
Anyway, my next couple of Saturdays will be a little less manic than usual - in fact we're going to go away for a bit of a break next Friday....

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Women's kickboxing was in a new venue this Friday, the "Dance Studio" at the leisure centre. The floor is wooden which is a big improvement on the tiles and concrete of the old hall, and there are fans so it's cooler, but one of the walls is mirrored. I didn't really enjoy being able to see myself, in fact in was pretty off-putting. I think I need to look through my reflection instead of at it.
It was useful when we were doing horse stance though, as I discovered I don't go nearly as low as I thought I did. More practice needed there I think.
T and I are trying to encourage the women to go for their first grading at the beginning of May. Not sure how much they'll be up for it though - I think most of them see it as more of a fitness class than a martial art at the moment

Rap it up - I'll take it

Thursday's Kung Fu - T introduced a new routine for doing stance work which was pretty good, similar to chang chuan really. Then I got to do single and 2-person pole with the purple sashes who'll be grading on it soon, and revise Choy Li Fut a few times, then Mi Chong. So basically all my favorite forms in one night! I also went through a two-person double sticks drill with the beginners, which is fun, and only got my knuckles rapped once.
One of the guys who use to train with another part of the school in Bath is going to show me his Double Sai form next week. I've always wanted to learn the Sai's, and didn't know that Wutan had a form for them, so there's something to look forward to for some point in the future, hopefully.
Downstairs to Tai Chi, managed to get a short break between which helps a lot, then short form to the left. Single person sword this week, learnt a few more moves, feeling quite comfortable with it this time (I should be as this must be about the fourth time I've been taught it). Double pushing hands to finish, which was difficult as always - not least because everyone else there is about a foot taller than me.

Monday, 23 March 2009


Realised just after leaving home that I'd left all my weapons and my sparring stuff at home - but it was too late to go back, so went I went to Kickboxing and Kung Fu without any of my usual clobber. For the pad work in kickboxing I borrowed some gloves that are heavier than mine, which is good, but as I'm typing this my arms are aching slightly. We started work on the second form tonight, which I learnt in a day about a year ago, so it's a bit hazy, but it seemed to come back to me fairly quickly.
In Kung Fu spent some time going over Siu Lim Tao with the beginners, then some stick work and some Chi Nar (?) locks.
After the class T and me and A, J and N went through Li Pi a few times. I seem to be able to do it at the same pace as them now which is a good sign that I'm about ready to grade on it.
Then we went through the 2-person butterfly knives, I'm happy with the defence side but the attack is still a mystery. Lots to brush up on before the end of April...and I'm going to miss a few lessons around Easter!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Easy like a Saturday Morning

N was still around so he came along to the kids classes this morning to help out. Just like the old days when we started the class (although S is still poorly - I hope she hasn't disappeared for ever.) Of course not many of the kids know N any more because its about 2 and a half years since he left...time flies!
Anyway, I had already arranged that I wouldn't do the third class - slacking off for a very un-warrior like reason - I had to get my hair cut (which is a very serious undertaking for someone with hair like mine!), but since N was there to help T I didn't even have to feel too guilty about it. Serendipity I guess.
About time for a picture on the blog, so here's what in my more fanciful moments I think I look like with my hair freshly cut and straightened:

Friday, 20 March 2009

Mixed feelings

Someone tapped me on the shoulder whilst walking up to KF last night - it was my mate and old sparring partner N, back from Portsmouth where he's at Uni for a visit back home to see his folks! It was great to see him and catch up a bit, and got plenty of chance to pair up with him on 2 person work. We're still pretty well matched at working together, so it was a really good lesson. 
Afterwards T had to shoot off early, so N and I went through Nam Chuan. We must have been through it about 10 times - and I think it's finally stuck. Something to be learned about starting with a positive attitude there I think.
Then we went to Tai Chi - and unfortunately the lesson started badly for me because we got there a couple of minutes after the class had started the dreaded long form. In the spot I ended up in I couldn't even see anyone to copy, so all my weaknesses/difficulties with the form were quickly apparent. 
After that we went through the first bit of the 2 person sword set though, which is one of my favorites, and we tried Chen part 4 (I couldn't remember it at all, and neither could anyone else, so I ended up just stringing random Chen and mantis moves together, which was fun). So overall it was a good TC lesson too.
Talked to D for a long time at the end, covering lots of ground, from why we don't seem to get many people sticking with Tai Chi beyond the first 16 week course, to why women in particular seem to find the improvers class a little off-putting, to why I seemed to find it so hard to consistently enjoy Tai Chi at the moment. I ended up admitting that often it's a real effort of will for me to go to the class at the moment. I expected D to tell me to stick with it, hang in there, it would get easier etc, but he surprised me by saying that I should be kinder to myself, and if I didn't feel like it sometimes, I shouldn't force myself to go along every week - something along the lines of if you're banging your head against a brick wall in an effort to get through it, why not just stop for a while, look at the wall and see if there's a better way round or over it. Something to ponder on for me I think.
Anyway, no kickboxing for me tonight - other half has a gig(!) so I'm babysitting. Just as well anyway, after today's mental exertions giving my lecture, I feel pretty exhausted.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Runny Nose

Despite really not feeling like it went out for a brief run this lunchtime - no company so ipod firmly plugged in (I think I've gone right round the alphabet since I started blogging, so I wont bore you with today's playlist). Thwarted in my plan to run round the track by some kind of athletics squad doing some training, they looked way too professional for me to join in, so diverted from my planned route and went around the pitches near the pub - much to the amusement of the onlookers grabbing a lunchtime pint. My stretching at the end probably had them in stitches. 
Did 2.5 miles fairly easily. But then, as often seems to be the case, about half an hour later my nose started running and hasn't stopped since. Can't be hayfever as it seems to happen whatever the time of year. But I think it's whenever I don't really want to go running but force myself to anyway. So maybe its psychosomatic? But what's the point of that if it happens afterwards? It doesn't stop my running, just makes me feel grotty when it's stopped....


First kick-boxing, enjoying this more and more - and I think it's really improving my kicking, just the sheer number of repetitions is helping I think, added to my stretching regime, which, while it still hasn't made me particularly flexible, has certainly freed up my movements within my existing range. Perhaps if I persist, and persist, and persist, I'll eventually get a higher side kick?
One newbie at the KB which was good too, need to get a few more in though.
Then Kung Fu, a busy class, I got to go through Chang Chuan with the Yellow sashes, char chui 2 with the higher grades and then the first and second stick set (apologies for my spelling on all of these which is completely phonetic...despite my best attempts I can't manage to get a grip of Chinese at all). Sparred with A at the end, who, as usual, completely marmalised me.
After everyone else had gone went through Li Pi by myself. I watched a programme about Japan on television a couple of days ago which described learning kata as making a sequence of moves "part of yourself". This strikes me as a really good description of what it's like when you know a form really well. Starting to get there with portions of the Li Pi, but not the whole of it yet.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Confusion Reigns

Kids Kung Fu this morning. Despite all my practice at Nam Chuan on Thursday, it all went pear shaped when I tried to take the kids through it - the problem is that my eldest tells me I'm doing it wrong because she can tell I'm unsure about it, then shows me something that bears some similarity to what I was doing but is subtly different. Then I lose confidence in my memory of it and give up. The problem is that I haven't done it enough for my body to remember it, it's all in my head. Until it's in my muscles I won't really know it....

Friday, 13 March 2009


Women's Kick-boxing tonight, not as many as usual turned up but still fun. T was trying to get us to noisily expel a breath when punching, making a "huh" sort of sound, but we're all much too lady-like. The best I can manage is to blow out through my nose and I get a bit self conscious even about that.

Necessary force

Made it in time to Kung fu despite hectic meeting schedule at work. I was happy to see the lad I injured last week was there - looks like I didn't cause any lasting harm. Went through nam chuan again with T but it's still not really sinking in so it's a good job it's not something I've got to grade on. Then lots of wing chun again, and some bokken.
Downstairs to tai chi without a break and straight into yang short form to the left which is always a challenge, but I actually felt quite pleased with my focus. 
Then we did some 2-person work where D asked us to try to think of how we could "add more power" to a move. When it came to my turn to demonstrate my suggestion it was accused of being particularly brutal! I don't think I've really got the hang of the tai chi minimum force attitude - I'm more of the "if someone is trying to hurt me then they've lost their right not to be hurt" school. Finished with a bit of chen, which made my knees hurt as always, and I still can't do the exploding outwards bit properly.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Must Try Harder

Just 5 including me and T at Kickboxing Monday night - cue a fairly intense hour of training including lots of elbow strikes and plenty of pad work. Discovered fairly early on that Sunday's run had left me with a bit of a groin strain, but gritted my teeth and worked through it.
Then Kung Fu, worked on Chum Ku and the Mantis 2-person set, then char chui 2 and the first stick set. During the sparring I was being so cautious because of Thursday's incident that I ended up getting hit by one of the beginners - there's a middle ground somewhere between passivity and attack that I need to find!
After the beginners had left worked on 2-person Butterfly Knives, Mantis 6-punch and Li Pi. It's starting to take some kind of shape I think - how long 'til my grading?

Sunday, 8 March 2009


57 minutes according to the clock. Given that we were right at the back at the start, which must have lost us a minute or two, and that for the first mile or so it was so crowded that we couldn't run at our normal pace, I'm pretty pleased with that. Other Half was a gentleman and stayed with me all the way round although he could probably have done a much faster time on his own.
So maybe the half marathon in September? Or maybe not......

Tiger Claw

Saturday kids Kung Fu. Was hoping to take it slightly easy to save my strength for the 10k, but as usual didn't work out that way.  The new class set-up is really starting to take shape now though, each class is much easier to teach because the ability range is more targeted. 
Badly bruised my shin doing a demonstration kick to T's block - had to stifle a yelp! Also got thrown about a bit by his demo of the stances featuring tiger claw hands. Just call me a crash-test dummy.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

A decision will have to be made

Womens kickboxing Friday night. 14 of us, including a couple of new girls who seemed to enjoy it. J (mum of one of the little 'uns from the Saturday class) came again and I suspect she's getting the "bug" back - I've said before I don't think it ever really leaves you.
Toward the end if the lesson T revealed his plan to change the class to a Wednesday which would be much more convenient for him and me - but the ladies weren't keen - they seem to like the Friday evening spot. So T and I need to work out what we're going to do. Is the customer always right? Or would we access a whole new bunch of people by offering a midweek class?

(this is my first attempt at blogging from my phone. How will it work out?)

Eye Opener

Thursday - Kung Fu. It was generally a good lesson, plenty of Wing Chun again, going through Siu Lim Tao and Chum Quoi. Then the sparring. That was going quite well too, then, paired up with a young lad (don't know exactly how old, I'd guess about 12 or 13?), I blocked with a "golden rooster" to a turning kick he was trying, somehow my shin made contact with his knee and suddenly he was in a heap on the floor! He was very brave and didn't make a sound but it had obviously hurt him pretty badly, and for the rest of the evening he couldn't put any weight on it, so had to sit out. T had to give him and his mum a lift home because he couldn't walk. No idea how it happened really, but I feel really sorry for him. Hope it was nothing that a bit of rest and ice can't fix but we'll have to wait and see - knees can be quite tricky....

Quickly went through Mantis 6-punch after the class before rushing down to the Tai Chi class, which now starts earlier, so I barged in halfway through the Yang Long Form - it was really hard to concentrate and adapt to the pace without the short break I normally have between the classes. This will be a test of my ability to focus I guess. Went through some more of the sword form, then started going through the 2 person sword again, which I love! S managed to pick up a hand injury from someone's sword (looks like stigmata!) - but that wasn't my fault, I promise.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


A day off today, supposed to be resting, but such gorgeous sunshine that I couldn't resist going for a quick 2 miles around the park and down past the cricket ground today - to the sounds of the Kinks, Kooks and Kylie. Relaxing on the sofa now, feel pretty good, but probably going to go for a snooze later!
D has decided to start Thursday's Improvers Tai Chi earlier, which, combined with T's decision to start Kung Fu a bit later is going to mean I have to make a choice between sparring and the Yang form. Tough call....might have to chop and change from week to week.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Stormy Monday

After a disturbed night, woke Monday am feeling grotty and had a long internal dialogue with myself over whether I should get up and go to work or call in sick. Work ethic won out and I got up and went to work, then on to my normal Monday evening of Kickboxing and Kung Fu. After just a few minutes of kickboxing I started feeling unpleasantly woozy, and had to take it quite easy. Then during the Kung Fu warm up felt so dizzy I thought I was going to fall over. Had to ask to be excused and run to the nearest newsagent to grab a chocolate bar, thinking that the faintness was due to a lack of calories. The Star Bar had a temporary effect and I soldiered on through the rest of the class (fortunately teaching Siu Lim Tao to some beginners, so able to stay fairly stationary), then, unwisely, stayed for some of the advanced Kung Fu afterwards. By the time I arrived home I was convinced I was proper poorly.
But the same scenario played out again this morning, with me not quite able to convince myself I was ill enough to stay home, so went to work, where I was greeted with a chorus of "you look dreadful" from my supportive colleagues. Thanks Guys!
Thinking I need a day's holiday tomorrow to try to get a bit rested before the race this weekend.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

To infinity and beyond!

A training run for next week's 10k today, so did the full distance with a few hills thrown in. The problem was that my shuffle ran out of juice right at the start, so I had to do it without any tunes. This makes it really hard work for me, as I need the distraction of either music or someone talking to me to take my mind off how much I'm hurting! What happens is I start obsessively counting - my breaths, my paces, how many people I've run past, whatever. It's really irritating but I just can't stop it (At least I wasn't running laps - if I am I have to constantly calculate what fraction of the way I've covered and what's left). I think I need to find some kind of mantra that I can focus on instead - any ideas?
Anyway, accomplished the run I'd set out to do, but now I have a couple of blisters and a streaming cold. Other half, who also went for a training run today, has twisted his knee. Maybe this race wasn't such a good idea....