Monday, 23 March 2009


Realised just after leaving home that I'd left all my weapons and my sparring stuff at home - but it was too late to go back, so went I went to Kickboxing and Kung Fu without any of my usual clobber. For the pad work in kickboxing I borrowed some gloves that are heavier than mine, which is good, but as I'm typing this my arms are aching slightly. We started work on the second form tonight, which I learnt in a day about a year ago, so it's a bit hazy, but it seemed to come back to me fairly quickly.
In Kung Fu spent some time going over Siu Lim Tao with the beginners, then some stick work and some Chi Nar (?) locks.
After the class T and me and A, J and N went through Li Pi a few times. I seem to be able to do it at the same pace as them now which is a good sign that I'm about ready to grade on it.
Then we went through the 2-person butterfly knives, I'm happy with the defence side but the attack is still a mystery. Lots to brush up on before the end of April...and I'm going to miss a few lessons around Easter!

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