Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Hurts so Good

Fast paced kick-boxing last night, working with R mostly which means I can punch and kick hard during the pad work - when I'm with one of the girls I always feel like I have to hold back a bit so I don't knock them over! T was being hard on me about getting my turning kicks right, making sure I'm turning my hip over properly. This means that by the end of the session my hips were aching, but in a good sort of way that I quite like really (is there something wrong with me to feel that way?) I also managed to trip myself up and fall over during some spinning kicks!
Then Kung Fu, tried to teach the yellow sashes some more Chang Chuan, the problem being that it was the bit that I struggle with myself nowadays because it starts the same as a section of Yang Fan Chuan and I always end up doing that instead 'cos I practise it much more often. I think I got it straight in the end though.
Sparring at the end, I'm enjoying it more and more lately. Paired up with the guy who knows Mok Gar Kung Fu and we gave each other a good fight I think, although I was a bit nervous because we weren't wearing gloves.
After the lesson I went through two-person choy li fut, mantis six-punch and the single person butterfly knives. Still lots to brush up on.

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